Ready for Levels 5, 6, 7?
Last weekend our Surrey Scentwork trainers attended Scentwork UK’s first Train the Trainers Part Three course. We are now recognized...

Our First Trial!
Saturday 20th January 2018 saw Surrey Scentwork's very first trial!! Despite a VERY soggy start to the day, it was such a pleasure to...

There is so many ways a dog can indicate when they have found what they are looking for. Active - behaviour that demonstrates a...

Super Speedy or Calm & Collected?
Within a class environment, we see all different types of searchers; the ones that fly in at 200mph, zoom round the search area in what...

It's there! Somewhere...
Last night was week three for our new starters and time to introduce the scent! It was really fascinating watching the dogs and handlers...

Level One & Two Workshop - Saturday 15th April 2017
Another brilliant workshop on Easter Saturday in the Surrey/Sussex countryside. We had a total of twelve dogs attend the workshop this...

New Six Week Course
Last night we started a new six week course and here is our littlest client so far! Scentwork is suitable for all breeds, no matter how...

Workshop - Saturday 25th March 2017
Saturday 25th March brought our first all day workshop at our private venue near Dunsfold. We had fifteen dogs attend ranging from all...